Day 55 of Circuit Breaker – Updates!

As we approach the 1st Phase of reopening the economy. SRS remains committed to the cause, removing the middlemen and returning more to the merchants and users who require delivery services.

Milestones achieved? We have exceeded 2k in members but thanks to the admins who have been dutifully removing spammers/bots/lurkers, we have opted for quality over quantity. Our work is far from over and we’re currently looking to streamline processes via open source protocols to take on delivery requests. All this WITH NO COMMISSIONS taken in the middle.

Adhering to our ethos, delivery personnel will ALWAYS receive the full amount from merchants and job requestors. While SRS remains rooted in our quest to give more back, it is our wish that ALL DELIVERY PERSONNEL remain professional and take each and every delivery job with utmost importance.

What can you do to help? Simple, spread the word of SRS far and wide. Invite delivery personnel and merchants to our telegram chat group. Increasing our numbers solves the fundamental need to wean everyone off delivery platforms who continue and will continue to skim ridiculous commissions from everyone who uses it.

Thank you for your time and here’s wishing everyone great success in whatever you do.