Entries by admin

PHASE 2 – 19th June 2020

Big shoutout to everyone in the SRS community. We finally made it and hopefully with some blessing, we will all continue to grow from strength to strength! Our work at SRS isn’t done, we will continue to grow our community and we stay rooted to the cause, TAKING AWAY THE MIDDLEMEN. To all merchants still […]

Day 55 of Circuit Breaker – Updates!

As we approach the 1st Phase of reopening the economy. SRS remains committed to the cause, removing the middlemen and returning more to the merchants and users who require delivery services. Milestones achieved? We have exceeded 2k in members but thanks to the admins who have been dutifully removing spammers/bots/lurkers, we have opted for quality […]

Day 36 of Circuit Breaker. SRS UPDATE.

Sovereign Riders Singapore continues to break new highs in terms of absolute deliveries, reaching a high of 100 deliveries a day. Taking an average of just 10 dollars saved for the merchant, this translates to slightly less than a thousand per day or 30 grand a month and we’re only 3 weeks in!! SRS was […]

Avoid WHATSAPP Delivery Groups AT ALL COSTS!

WhatsApp, like Facebook/Instagram is extremely bad for privacy. There are groups (in the form of WhatsApp) trying to emulate what we do at Sovereign Riders. Please avoid these privacy-destroying and information-stealing groups at all costs. SRS DOES NOT AND WILL NEVER KEEP ANY DATA SHARED ON THE TELEGRAM CHAT GROUP.

CB Day 28 : Avoid Delivery Platforms At All Costs!

Delivery platforms have only one agenda, they have designed their entire revenue model to extract maximum value from unsuspecting restauranteurs, hawkers and food operators. Their loathsome behavior in the form of commissions will NOT STOP. Even in these difficult times, when you’re promised lower delivery fees, as a merchant, you should NOT relent and get […]

SRS Update: Day 27 of Circuit Breaker!

Many similar projects popping up all over Facebook. Wish to remind everyone that all these groups are riding on the coattails of “saving” f&b merchants but paid/shameless promotion on FACEBOOK isn’t exactly organic. Exactly what’s the agenda, it’s open to interpretation. SOVEREIGN RIDERS WILL NEVER ACTIVELY COLLECT/SELL/ MARKET YOUR INFORMATION. Which is why Telegram works […]

SRS Update : Day 11 of Circuit Breaker

Poll conducted on our Telegram group, we have a very decent 3:2 ratio for both riders/drivers vs operators. We currently have almost 1.2k members and counting. Target is 200k, let’s get it going. Stop whining and opt out, join the movement @ https://t.me/sovereignriders.