SRS Merchandise!

SRS Update : Day 11 of Circuit Breaker

Poll conducted on our Telegram group, we have a very decent 3:2 ratio for both riders/drivers vs operators. We currently have almost 1.2k members and counting. Target is 200k, let’s get it going. Stop whining and opt out, join the movement @

What a money “Grab” LOL…

Editor at LinkedIn Speaks About “Unfair Commissions” by Delivery Platforms

More spotlight on delivery platforms by CNA.

Mainstream media is really picking up on the financially draining tactics of all these delivery platforms. Initiatives like SRS(Sovereign Riders Singapore) is the only viable method going forward, especially given how dense the population is in Singapore. Onwards!

Food Delivery – Where Your Money Goes

Great infographics by Colin Chen and Desmond Chua!

Here's the perspective of a merchant. Can anyone offer perspectives of a delivery rider and a delivery service…

Posted by Desmond Chua on Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Our website is now LIVE!

Even if Facebook disappears, nothing can stop this project now. 🙂 Have a great day everyone!